
At Parents Anonymous®, all our programs, initiatives, advocacy, and research support the empowerment journey of diverse Parents, Children, and Youth. We believe that Asking for Help is a Sign of Strength®. Everyone is capable of change. From providing emotional support to engaging in meaningful Shared Leadership® with Parents, Parents Anonymous® seeks to create and ensure positive change, foster social connection, and sustain loving and supportive families, communities and societies.

Parents Anonymous® Group

According to the Federal Title IV-E Prevention Clearinghouse, Parents Anonymous® is the ONLY culturally responsive program in the NATION that is proven to Effectively Improve Parenting, Enhance Mental Health and Reduce Substance Abuse while Ensuring Child Safety for diverse families with children and youth of all ages. Casey Family Programs (2021) designated Parents Anonymous® as one of ...Read More

Strengthening Families San Gabriel Valley

FREE Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous® Groups are available to residents of the Strengthening Families San Gabriel Valley Weekly Parents Anonymous® 2-hour Emotional Support Groups (English & Spanish) are for anyone in a Parenting role and their Children & Youth to build on the strengths of diverse families. All Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous® Groups are facilitated by Trained, ...Read More

California Peer Parent Network

The California Peer Parent Network is a statewide group of diverse parents, caregivers and concerned citizens engaging in advocacy to ensure effective policies, adequate funding, and accessible evidence-based programs such as Parents Anonymous® to enhance the well-being of diverse Parents, Children & Youth and embrace cultural humility and foster equity and inclusion.   Please join Today ...Read More

California Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification Training

Register Now to Become a California Certified Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist! Parents Anonymous Inc. is a California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) approved Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification training provider. This training will prepare you to take the California State Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification Examination to become a California Certified Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist.  REGISTER ...Read More

Prevention Education Program 

Prevention Education Program (PEP)  Parents Anonymous® in collaboration with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Substance Abuse Prevention and Control has two separate free offerings for residents in SPA-1 and SPA-3:  For either location, please email or call/text (909) 575-4213.

National Leadership Certification for Parents & Youth

National Leadership Certification for Parents and Youth is a competency-based program conducted to develop new and enhance the existing leadership capabilities of parents and youth. Components include...

Family Resource Centers

Parents Anonymous® operates 8 California Family Resources Centers to provide direct support and services to all Parents, Children & Youth with a focus on Native American and foster families including:      Services Areas Served: Central Valley Fresno, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Kings, Tulare, and Kern Central California Family Resource Center Imperial County El Centro Family Resource Center Los Angeles County Antelope Valley Strengthening Families ...Read More

Research to Action

Parents Anonymous® is one of the premier nationwide organizations dedicated to conducting research on Evidenced-Based Programs, Practices and Policies to improve measurable outcomes for Parents, Children & Youth. Parents Anonymous® has a bold research agenda:   If you are an agency interested in Parents Anonymous® research and evaluation services, contact us with the form below.

Shared Leadership® in Action 

Shared Leadership® in Action is a comprehensive program that engages organizations and constituents committed to working in meaningful Shared Leadership® resulting in measurable positive outcomes for families and communities.   Shared Leadership® in Action Program Components:  Readiness Assessment   Strategic Planning  Training Institute  Guided Practice  Technical Assistance and Consultation  Evaluation  Shared Leadership® in Action can be customized to meet specific needs and goals of public and private agencies and communities. Staff training, Practice Models, System change, Strategic planning, Program Implementation and Evaluation ...Read More

Parent Leadership

Since 1969, Parents Anonymous® has been supporting, encouraging, and upholding generations of parent leaders as a result of attending Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous®. In 1993, the first National Parent Leadership Team®  (NPLT)  and in 1996 the first California Parent Leadership Team® (CPLT) was created with the mission each respectively to improve and change programs and policies to help diverse Parents, Children & Youth to create positive ...Read More


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