National Prevention Evaluation
“Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: A National Evaluation of Parents Anonymous® Groups,” Child Welfare, Vol. 89, No. 6, 43-62 (2010), Polinsky et. al. and the National Council on Crime & Delinquency, Final Report to Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, “Outcome Evaluation of Parents Anonymous®”, July 30, 2007, National Council on Crime and Delinquency. The National Outcome Study demonstrating the evidence of prevention of child abuse and neglect results for Parents who participate in Parents Anonymous® weekly support groups nationwide measuring significant decreases in risk factors (parental stress, life stress, domestic violence, and alcohol/drug usage); increases in protective factors (quality of life, social support, parenting sense of competence, nonviolent discipline, and family functioning) and for those parents with issues, significant reduction in parental distress, rigidity, and psychological and physical aggression towards children.