Strengthening Families San Gabriel Valley

FREE Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous® Groups are available to residents of the
Strengthening Families San Gabriel Valley
Weekly Parents Anonymous® 2-hour Emotional Support Groups (English & Spanish) are for anyone in a Parenting role and their Children & Youth to build on the strengths of diverse families. All Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous® Groups are facilitated by Trained, Compassionate Counselors to enhance well-being, build a sense of belonging and community, and give back to others. Also, Children and Youth participate in developmentally appropriate Groups to build protective factors and prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences.
Evidence-based Parents Anonymous® was selected to be funded under the California Youth Behavioral Health Initiative to build on the strengths of diverse Parents, Children and Youth to enhance mental health well-being and ensure positive outcomes.
To attend a FREE Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous® Group
CALL NOW (909) 366-8533 or email us at