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My Ex-Husband Emotionally Abuses Our Children—What Should I Do?
Source: Newsweek
Dear Newsweek, My name is Alicia and I am the mother of five amazing minor children and two adult sons. I divorced my husband 3 years ago, and due to Covid, things took much longer and we actually separated long before our divorce was finalized.
Anyway, while married I was a stay-at-home mom and home-schooled my kiddos. My ex-husband worked full-time and was generally uninvolved in day-to-day life.
However, as time went on, I realized my ex-husband was causing a lot of damage to our children and myself. I realized that he was financially, emotionally, and spiritually abusing us, so I left.
He then made it his mission to punish me for leaving. He went on a smear campaign and isolated me from all of my friends and family. “Making things as difficult as he could so I would come crawling back to him”—his exact words.
Part of his revenge was to seek 50/50 custody, which he was awarded because at the time I was still afraid of him and easily intimidated so I was not able to fully advocate for myself or my children. Since then, it has been a battle.
All of the abusive behaviors that were present when we were married are still present now, but because he doesn’t abuse our children physically the court has done absolutely nothing to protect our children.
Despite him having [court] involvement four separate times for throwing our youngest daughter down the stairs, dragging our oldest daughter down the stairs and through the house by her arms, break-checking our youngest daughter so hard she had a bruised and swollen face for two weeks, and leaving our children in a whole other state with a woman he just met and that they knew for a few days.
His abuse is to the extent that his new wife left him after only being married to him for two months because she feared for her children’s safety.
Even still, the judge in our small town will do nothing to protect our children, or even order him to attend real therapy or parenting classes.
One of the most troubling behaviors that he regularly engages in is bullying our LGBTQIA+ daughter. He tells her that being a homosexual is as bad as being a pedophile. He tells her that she is evil and against God—he has even worked with his pastor to arrange very hateful anti LGBTQIA+ sermons. He treats her like a maid and cook when she is with him and makes sure to let her know that she disgusts and disappoints him because she identifies as LGBTQIA+ and listens to the band Ghost. All of this continues to wear on my daughter’s mental health and yet still no one will do anything.
He is treated as if he is a model father and the family court continues to turn a blind eye to everything he does. He uses his religion as a reason to get away with his abuse, stating that he has not only a right, but an obligation, to tell our daughter the things he does because she has turned her back on the Lord.
No one seems to want to hold him accountable and help out our children. He has blocked me from putting them in therapy, receiving immunizations, attending doctor visits, and taking medication. All because it’s against his beliefs and western medicine is witchcraft.
I hired a Guardian Ad Litem who found he was abusive and that it was in the kids’ best interest to be with me full-time and limit his involvement until he completed therapy and parenting classes, but the court also ignored that. I have spent THOUSANDS on attorneys and have only landed in the same spot every single time.
So now, I am hopeful that if I make it public how badly the County Court is failing our children, maybe something might be done for them.
As a healthy parent, he would deserve 50/50 time with our kids, but until then I don’t think he should get it just because it’s his “right.”
Alicia, Unknown
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‘Abusive Relationships Impact Self-Confidence…You Need To Protect Yourself and Children’
Lisa Pion-Berlin, Ph.D., is a licensed hypnotherapist and CEO of Parents Anonymous.
You are a very courageous woman to speak out about your family situation to expose the injustice and harm to your family. Do not minimize what that takes. Stop blaming yourself for not advocating harder because you felt so insecure.
Physically and psychologically abusive relationships impact our self-confidence and wear us down so we cannot fight back. Twenty-five years of research into “battered woman” or “battered person” syndrome shows this.
It is understandable that you and your children are in a very difficult and abusive situation. Your focus needs to be on going forward by continuously and relentlessly protecting yourself and your children.
First of all, insults, threats or bodily harm needs to be reported and documented with the police, schools and your own doctors. Clear and complete documentation cannot be overemphasized—print out and save every email, text and voicemail regarding any threats or evidence of abuse.
Also, make copies of all medical records and other entities for your file. Take photographs of the physical damage your children have endured. Make sure you take them to the doctor, as they take pictures and continue to make CPS reports.
It is brave you are making this public. So many parents are afraid when the courts and systems are not helping or protecting children. Make sure you have support for yourself. You cannot stay strong without seeking counseling and surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family.
Also, seek counseling for your children so they can deal with their underlying feelings related to these traumas. Therapists and counselors are mandated reporters. Prejudice and discrimination exist in all institutions sworn to help you protect your children from abuse and neglect.
Even though you have paid for lawyers, if you feel they haven’t helped, you can seek free legal counsel. You may also want to contact your newly elected congressperson or U.S. senators. Senator Stabenow has district staff to help constituents and she is a dedicated social worker and advocate herself.
Local politics are tough to deal with, but the safety, health and well-being of your entire family is at stake. Continue to reach out because asking for help is a sign of strength. You can also call the National Parent Helpline 855-427-2736, operated by Parents Anonymous® (
‘The Safety Of You and Your Children Is The Number One Priority’
Dr. Faisal Tai, MD, is a psychiatrist and the CEO of PsychPlus.
I’m very sorry to hear about your serious dilemma with your ex-husband. As the mother of five minor children, I am sure that you have your hands more than full and that this conflict only makes taking care of your family—and yourself—10 times harder.
When I hear about all the legal steps you’ve taken to try and improve your situation through the courts and government agencies, it is disheartening that you have not been able to make more progress.
As a psychiatrist, I also would strongly encourage you to seek professional assistance to safeguard the emotional well-being of you and your children. It will be fundamental to your health and well-being, and your quality of life, in the years ahead.
I would recommend that you contact the Child Welfare Medical and Behavioral Health unit for your local county.
Amongst many other resources, they will have a comprehensive list of support services across the state that might be of great assistance.
I wish you the best of luck as you continue to advocate for yourself and your children.
Date: February 11, 2023
Mental health helpline seeks to expand to help fire victims recover
Mental health groups are stepping up to help victims of the Los Angeles area wildfires deal with the extreme stress brought on by the disaster.
The California Parent and Youth Helpline is beginning to work at evacuation centers and is looking to partner with community or government entities to provide victims with emotional support.
Lisa Pion-Berlin, president and CEO of Parents Anonymous, which runs the helpline, said people can call, text or live chat with a trained counselor.
Read more on why more support is needed
The psychological toll of California’s catastrophic fires
Entire neighborhoods in Southern California have been destroyed by deadly wildfires, displacing communities that don’t know what — if anything — they’ll have to return to.
The big picture: Researchers have linked wildfires to long-lasting anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder in survivors, in addition to the well-documented physical toll.
Los Angeles families calling into Parents Anonymous’ California Parent & Youth Helpline have been expressing extreme overwhelm this week, said Lisa Pion-Berlin, CEO of Parents Anonymous.
For those whose houses were destroyed, “it’s not just the things in the building you lost, you lost a home,” she said. “And that’s a safe place where you’re raising a family, where you go to relax, where you go to cry, where you go to celebrate, where you have birthday parties.”
“A home is much more than a building, a home is part of your heart, and that’s been totally cut out.”
Read more on the psychological toll on Axios
Read more on the psychological toll on MSN
Is Your Toddler Pointing Non-Stop? Why That’s Great News
Squirrel! Balloon! Cookie! When toddlers point, they’re not just saying, ‘Hey, look at this!’—they’re actually showing off some serious smarts.
Even though toddlers can’t form full sentences yet, they’re actually better at communicating than you might realize. A recent study reveals that even at just 18 months old, toddlers can size up what their parents know and use pointing gestures to share information. Intrigued? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of toddler communication.
When toddlers think adults don’t get what they’re saying, they might keep doing the same action over and over. To help with this, Dr. Lisa Pion-Berlin, a parenting expert and CEO of a parenting support group called Parents Anonymous, says parents should take a look at what their child is trying to show them and react to it accordingly. If you seem to get it wrong, try again.
“Toddlers are learning how to communicate, so they may not always express themselves clearly,” she says. “Give them time to respond and show patience while they try to form their thoughts.”
How to Survive the Holidays If There’s a Toxic Person in Your Family, According to 2 Mental Health Experts
In an ideal world, the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s should be full of friends and family, good food and general merriment. In reality, for folks who have toxic family members, the holidays can be rife with tension, stress and general opposite-of-merriment—whether your brother turns everything into a competition (not the fun kind), your mom has not the slightest clue what the word boundaries means or there are always strings attached when it comes to your sister-in-law. If any of those examples ring bells, I’ve got you. I checked in with two mental health pros, Janet Bayramyan, LCSW, and Dr. Lisa Pion-Berlin, ACSW, ACHT, for their tips for keeping it together during this supposed-to-be-festive time of year if it’s inevitable you’ll be dealing with toxic people.
Wandering Podcast: How Kids & Parents Can Get Help with Family Challenges When They’re Afraid
Dr. Lisa Pion-Berlin, is a licensed hypnotherapist and CEO of Parents Anonymous®. She is a mother who has devoted her 33-year career to supporting the empowerment journey of parents and caregivers. Through her leadership at Parents Anonymous, she also oversees the California Parent & Youth Helpline and National Parent & Youth Helpline which provides immediate emotional support to parents, caregivers, and youth through calls, chats and texting. In Dr. Lisa’s voice here is the most present challenge in her work: “As a professional, but also as a mother and advocate, my deepest goal is to help as many parents and youth as possible—every single one of them deserves the support they need to thrive. With over 170 million parents and young people in our country, there’s such an urgent need for mental health resources and strong support systems, and my mission is to be there for them. But right now, the biggest challenge is securing enough federal funding to expand our services and reach more families. While we’ve made strides in raising awareness, it’s a constant struggle to get the necessary resources from those in power to truly make an impact on a larger scale. Every day, I wake up thinking about how we can do more, and it’s that drive that keeps me pushing forward, despite the obstacles.”
Parenting Help Podcast with Dr. Lisa Pion-Berlin
This week on the Parenting Help Podcast, we’re honored to host Dr. Lisa Pion-Berlin, CEO of Parents Anonymous and an esteemed expert in family strengthening and parent advocacy.
In this episode, Dr. Pion-Berlin shares:
✅ Evidence-based approaches to fostering stronger family connections
✅ The transformative role of Parents Anonymous in empowering caregivers
✅ Practical strategies for navigating complex parenting challenges
Drawing on decades of research and experience, Dr. Pion-Berlin offers valuable perspectives for parents, educators, and professionals invested in family well-being.
Empowering Parents: Strategies and Support for Managing ADHD with Dr. Lisa Pion Berlin
In this episode of the ADHD Goals podcast, host Laurence talks with Dr. Lisa Pion Berlin, a clinical hypnotherapist, social worker, and CEO of Parents Anonymous. Dr. Lisa discusses her work advocating for parents, children, and youth facing mental health challenges, emphasising the importance of shared leadership and community support. The conversation covers the barriers parents face in getting appropriate ADHD support for their children and the need for effective partnerships between schools and families. Dr. Lisa also shares insights on the role of hypnotherapy in managing ADHD and offers practical advice for parents dealing with multi-generational ADHD diagnoses.
What is causing the current mental health crisis in young adults?
Over the past few years, there’s been abundant reporting on the declining state of mental health. A study mentioned in a story in Medscape showed that the steepest decline in mental health was in young adults.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the suicide rate for U.S. children ages 10 to 14 was three times as high in 2021 as it was in 2007. Add to that the host of recent studies worldwide showing that teenagers who frequently use social media have an increased risk of negative mental health outcomes.
However, much of this reporting has focused on the increased mental health issues among young people. What’s often overlooked is that parents are also struggling with these issues, even as they work to help their children. To fully grasp the depth of the mental health problem, you only have to look at the data.
Shock Over Why Teenager Stopped Calling Dad’s Partner ‘Mom’
A teenager’s decision to stop calling his stepmother “mom” has been applauded by viewers online, despite it irking his father.
The 17-year-old, who goes by u/tall-lengthiness-330 on Reddit, took to the platform on October 2 to share that he had defiantly stood up against his father’s wishes to call his new partner his mom, which led to a falling out in their family home. Viewers online rallied around the teenager, with most offering support and backing his decision.
“My parents divorced when I was a baby and my dad remarried when I was 5,” the man wrote in his post. “When I was 7, I started to call my stepmom ‘mom’ [for] a little and that’s what felt natural to me. After I had said it several times my dad gave my [biological] mom a heads up about it.”
Advocate: How parents can discuss school shootings with their kids
With the latest school shooting at Apalachee High School outside Atlanta, parents may be wondering how to discuss the tragedy in the context of returning to school this fall and keeping their children safe.
Lisa Pion-Berlin, CEO of Parents Anonymous, which supports parents and their children with resources and expert help, says that guardians need to confront their own feelings first and then listen to their children before making decisions and potentially becoming an advocate for school safety.
Pion-Berlin told Chalkboard News in an interview that parents need to process their emotions and make decisions about safety and risk before discussing complex and sensitive topics with their children.